S8E101: Q&A No. 9 with Cindy and Dawn
The amount of matter written is no measure of the mental processes involved. Elsie Kitching, “Concerning Repeated Narration“, Parents’ Review, Volume 39 Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and Links Mentioned: Why Literature Still Matters by Jason Baxter Children of the…
S6E79: “A Bit of the World’s Work” with Anne White
Ourselves, our Souls and Bodies is much used in the P.U.S., as I know of no other attempt to present such a ground plan of human nature as should enable the young student to know where he is in his efforts…
S5E70: A Casual Chat with Cindy and Dawn
Education is a life. That life is sustained on ideas. Ideas are of spiritual origin, and God has made us so that we get them chiefly as we convey them to one another, whether by word of mouth, written page,…
S5E69: A Question of Culture with Erin Kunkle
Mentally he must be developed so that as he grows older he may have the capacity to grasp the true meaning of social and political questions of the day. His mind should be so trained that he will be able…
S5E68: The Beauty of Mathematics with Melissa Bair
We take strong ground when we appeal to the beauty and truth of Mathematics; that, as Ruskin points out, two and two make four and cannot conceivably make five, is an inevitable law. It is a great thing to be…
S5E66: Q&A No. 7, On the Building Blocks of Story
“There can be no great art without great fable. Great art can only exist where great men brood intensely on something upon which all men brood a little. Without a popular body of fable there can be no unselfish art…
S5E64: A Charlotte Mason Sunday School with Emily Raible and Tracy Fast
All our teaching of children should be given reverently, with the humble sense that we are invited in this matter to co-operate with the Holy Spirit; but it should be given dutifully and diligently. Charlotte Mason, Vol. 2, Parents and…
S5E62: The Role of a Homeschool Dad with Dan Bunting
Without knowledge, Reason carries a man into the wilderness and Rebellion joins company. The man is not to be blamed: it is a glorious thing to perceive your mind, your reasoning power, acting of its own accord as it were…
S5E61: The Great Recognition with Camille Malucci
In the things of science, in the things of art, in the things of practical everyday life, his God doth instruct him and doth teach him, her God doth instruct her and doth teach her. Let this be the mother’s…
S4E60: The Building Blocks of Story with Angelina Stanford and Timilyn Downey
Commonplace Tales: Tales of Imagination––Stories, again, of the Christmas holidays, of George and Lucy, of the amusements, foibles, and virtues of children in their own condition of life, leave nothing to the imagination. The children know all about everything so…