S5E64: A Charlotte Mason Sunday School with Emily Raible and Tracy Fast
August 17, 2023
Show Summary:
- Our guests on The New Mason Jar podcast this week are Emily Raible and Tracy Fast
- How Tracy was homeschooled and came to learn about Charlotte Mason
- How Emily first heard about Charlotte Mason
- How Tracy got started using Charlotte Mason’s principles in teaching Sunday school
- How Emily began creating a Sunday school curriculum using Miss Mason’s principles
- What differences have been noticeable since implementing the new methods?
- What a typical Sunday school class looks like in Tracy’s church
- What Emily’s Sunday school class typically looks like
- Some more benefits of a Charlotte Mason Sunday school
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Books and Links Mentioned:
For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
The Bible Story Handbook by John and Kim Walton
The Burgess Bird Book by Thornton W. Burgess
Example of nature coloring pages Emily mentioned
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Ashley Jacobson
This was so helpful! I am a pastor’s wife in a PCA church and we have been using elements of Charlotte’s method in our sunday school. The biggest feedback I have recieved from the teachers is how easy it is to teach this way! Such a gift to families and teachers! Is Emily’s curriculum available for purchase?
Emily Raible
Hey Ashley! My curriculum isn’t available for purchase, but you can find me on Facebook or Instagram and I’d be happy to answer any questions as you create your own!