S6E86: Morning Time with the Aging with Tiffany Mai
June 20, 2024
Show Summary:
- This week on The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn talk with homeschooling mom of 2 about using Morning Time in a local retirement home
- How Tiffany first came to know the Lord and also how she found out about Charlotte Mason
- How Tiffany started taking her children with her to do Morning Time at a local nursing home
- What are some of the fruits Tiffany has seen from this experience?
- What Tiffany includes in her morning time with the residents
- How can other homeschool families start this as a ministry in their own communities?
- What are some other areas in which families could minister to people through morning time?
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Books and Links Mentioned:
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox
Find Cindy and Tiffany:
Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group
Mere Motherhood Facebook Group