Meet Your Hosts

Cindy Rollins
Cindy Rollins homeschooled her nine children for over 30 years using Charlotte Mason’s timeless ideas. She is the author of Mere Motherhood: Morning Time, Nursery Rhymes, and My Journey Toward Sanctification, The Mere Motherhood Newsletters, Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah and the upcoming Morning Time: A Liturgy of Love. In addition to The New Mason Jar, Cindy co-hosts The Literary Life Podcast with Angelina Stanford and Thomas Banks. She is also the owner of the Mere Motherhood Facebook group and runs an active moms’ discipleship group on Her heart’s desire is to encourage moms and go to baseball games. She lives in her sometimes empty nest in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband Tim and dog Max.

Dawn Duran
Dawn lives in Maryland with her husband, their two sons, and their dog Storm. She encountered Charlotte Mason’s philosophy nearly 10 years ago and has been following Mason’s principles in her home ever since. Prior to taking on her most-prized role of stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mama, Dawn worked as a physical therapist, strength and conditioning coach, and pilates instructor, which led her to create Swedish Drill Revisited. In this series, Dawn adapts the physical education method recommended by Charlotte Mason for a modern audience. Dawn is also the author of A Reasoned Patriotism: Critical Thinking and Civic Duty in an Age of Polarization. She writes for The Discerning Home Educator alongside likeminded homeschooling moms, and has served as Cindy’s aide-de-camp for several years.