S8E101: Q&A No. 9 with Cindy and Dawn
The amount of matter written is no measure of the mental processes involved. Elsie Kitching, “Concerning Repeated Narration“, Parents’ Review, Volume 39 Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and Links Mentioned: Why Literature Still Matters by Jason Baxter Children of the…
S7E94: Fall Nature Study with Jeannette Tulis
To know a plant by its gesture and habitat, its time and its way of flowering and fruiting; a bird by its flight and song and its times of coming and going; to know when, year after year, you may…
S7E93: The Beauty of Math in the Charlotte Mason Paradigm with Denise Gaskins
‘Two and two make four’ and cannot by any possibility that the universe affords be made to make five or three. From this point of view, of immutable law, children should approach Mathematics; they should see how impressive is Euclid’s…
S7E90: Remix Episode – Have a Happier Homeschool with Lynn Bruce (S1E5)
The child brings with him into the world, not character, but disposition. He has tendencies which may need only to be strengthened, or, again, to be diverted or even repressed. His character––the efflorescence of the man wherein the fruit of…
S7E89: Q&A No. 8, LIVE with Cindy and Dawn
It is not for nothing that the old painters, however diverse their ideas in other matters, all fixed upon one quality as proper to the pattern Mother. The Madonna, no matter out of whose canvas she looks at you, is…
S7E88: Starting a Charlotte Mason Co-op with Jess Smith
One thesis, which is, perhaps, new, that Education is the Science of Relations, appears to me to solve the question of curricula, as showing that the object of education is to put a child in living touch as much as may…
S7E87: Co-ops and Charlotte Mason with April and Anna
No doubt we do give intellectual food, but too little of it: let us havecourage and we shall be surprised, as we are now and then, at theamount of intellectual strong meat almost any child will take at a mealand…
S6E80: Spring Nature Study with Jeannette Tulis
They notice for themselves, and the teacher gives a name and other information as it is asked for… In this way they lay up that store of “common information”… and what is more important, they learn to know and delight…
S6E77: Seeing the Big Picture with Heather Martin
Three Questions for the Mother…She must ask herself Why must the children learn at all? What should they learn? And, Howshould they learn it? If she takes the trouble to find a definite andthoughtful answer to each of these three…
S6E76: “Beyond Mere Motherhood” with Cindy and Dawn
No one knoweth the things of a man but the spirit of a man which is in him; therefore, there is no education but self-education… Charlotte Mason, Toward a Philosophy of Education, p. 26 Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and…