S8E101: Q&A No. 9 with Cindy and Dawn
The amount of matter written is no measure of the mental processes involved. Elsie Kitching, “Concerning Repeated Narration“, Parents’ Review, Volume 39 Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and Links Mentioned: Why Literature Still Matters by Jason Baxter Children of the…
S7E89: Q&A No. 8, LIVE with Cindy and Dawn
It is not for nothing that the old painters, however diverse their ideas in other matters, all fixed upon one quality as proper to the pattern Mother. The Madonna, no matter out of whose canvas she looks at you, is…
S5E70: A Casual Chat with Cindy and Dawn
Education is a life. That life is sustained on ideas. Ideas are of spiritual origin, and God has made us so that we get them chiefly as we convey them to one another, whether by word of mouth, written page,…
S5E66: Q&A No. 7, On the Building Blocks of Story
“There can be no great art without great fable. Great art can only exist where great men brood intensely on something upon which all men brood a little. Without a popular body of fable there can be no unselfish art…
S4E55: Q&A No. 6 with Cindy and Dawn
…of all the joyous motives of school life, the love of knowledge is the only abiding one; the only one which determines the scale, so to speak, upon which the person will hereafter live. Charlotte Mason, School Education, Volume 3…
S3E46: Q&A No. 5 with Cindy and Dawn
Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education.…
S2E28: Q&A Number 4 with Cindy and Dawn
What if parents and teachers in their zeal misread the schedule of their duties, magnified their office unduly and encroached upon the personality of children? It is not an environment that these want, a set of artificial relations carefully, constructed,…
S2E25: Q&A No. 3 with Cindy and Dawn
Show Summary: Today’s episode is another Q & A session with Cindy and Dawn How do you incorporate narration later on in a child’s schooling? Can you talk more about the importance of written narrations? How do you check all…
S1E18: Q&A No. 2, On Classical Education with Cindy and Karen
“Sound principles that are old may easily be laid on the shelf and forgotten, unless in each successive generation a few industrious people can be found who will take the trouble to draw them forth from the storehouse.” Thomas Godolphin…
S1E11: Q&A with Cindy and Dawn, No. 1
“It may be that the souls of all children are waiting for the call of knowledge to awaken them to delightful living.” Charlotte Mason, Vol. 6, Philosophy of Education Show Summary: Today’s episode is our first Charlotte Mason Q&A with…