S2E29: A Charlotte Mason Approach to Language Arts with Amy Snell
Show Summary: Today’s guest is Amy Snell, a homeschooling mother of 5, as well as a speaker, teacher and encourager to fellow Charlotte Mason homeschoolers How did you first hear about Charlotte Mason? What do you think are the elements…
S2E28: Q&A Number 4 with Cindy and Dawn
What if parents and teachers in their zeal misread the schedule of their duties, magnified their office unduly and encroached upon the personality of children? It is not an environment that these want, a set of artificial relations carefully, constructed,…
S2E27: The Value of Teaching Plutarch with Tom Cox
…the one achievement possible and necessary for every man is character; and character is as finely wrought metal beaten into shape and beauty by the repeated and accustomed action of will. We who teach should make it clear to ourselves…
S2E25: Q&A No. 3 with Cindy and Dawn
Show Summary: Today’s episode is another Q & A session with Cindy and Dawn How do you incorporate narration later on in a child’s schooling? Can you talk more about the importance of written narrations? How do you check all…
S2E24: Teaching to Special Needs with Charlotte Mason Methods with Karla Areas
The average child studies with delight. We do not say he will remember all he knows, but, to use a phrase of Jane Austen’s, he will have had his “imagination warmed” in many regions of knowledge. Charlotte Mason, School Education,…
S2E23: Transitioning to a Charlotte Mason Homeschool with Dawn Garrett
Show Summary: Today’s guest is Dawn Garrett, homeschooling mother of 3, and Community Manager at PamBarnhill.com How Dawn came to hear about Charlotte Mason after being a neo-Classical home educator What did your transition look like when you started using…
S2E22: Charlotte Mason Through High School with Jami Marstall
We as teachers depreciate ourselves and our office; we do not realize that in the nature of things the teacher has a prophetic power of appeal and inspiration, that his part is not the weariful task of spoon-feeding with pap-meat,…
S2E21: Charlotte Mason and Special Education with Tammy Glaser
Show Summary: Today’s guest is Tammy Glaser, mother of 2 adult children, one with special needs, as well as a founder of a Charlotte Mason private school How Tammy discovered Charlotte Mason and decided it would work well for her…
S2E20: Cross-Cultural Education and Folk Songs with Wendi Capehart
It is by the aid of imagination that a child comes to love people who do not belong to his own country, and as he learns the history of their great deeds and noble efforts, he is eager to learn…
S1E17: Charlotte Mason Methods in a School Setting with Adrienne Freas
And what a barren and dry land should we dwell in if our spirits were narrowed to the limits of that which we can comprehend! Where we err is in supposing that mystery is confined to our religion, that everything…