“The child brings with him into the world, not character, but disposition. He has tendencies which may need only to be strengthened, or, again, to be diverted or even repressed. His character––the efflorescence of the man wherein the fruit of his life is a preparing––is original disposition, modified, directed, expanded by education; by circumstances; later, by self-control and self-culture; above all, by the supreme agency of the Holy Ghost, even where that agency is little suspected, and as little solicited.”
Charlotte Mason, Vol. 2, Parents and Children
Show Summary:
Today’s guest is Lynn Bruce, a founding member of AmblesideOnline Advisory
How Lynn learned about Charlotte Mason and become interested in her philosophy
Practical ideas from Lynn about how to have a positive homeschool experience
Making the most of working on your own schedule and keeping it in sight
Practicing the routine before starting the school year
Working on the habit of attention before school started
Having mutual respect as a foundation
Being more aware of a child’s physical state
Doing morning time with prayer, singing, and the “riches”
This Lynn Bruce episode is gold! So many organizational and mama-heart gems. Thank you Cindy and Dawn. I have loved every single episode. I am so so glad this podcast is back!!
One Comment
Christina Tine
This Lynn Bruce episode is gold! So many organizational and mama-heart gems. Thank you Cindy and Dawn. I have loved every single episode. I am so so glad this podcast is back!!