S7E92: Story, Rhyme, and Song with Kay Pelham
“But how ready we are to conclude that children cannot be expected to understand spiritual things. Our own grasp of the things of the Spirit is all too lax, and how can we expect that the child’s feeble intelligence can…
S7E91: Remix – Growing up in a Charlotte Mason Home with Caitlin Bruce Beauchamp
“Love, and the service of love, are the only things that count.” Charlotte Mason, Vol. 4, Ourselves Show Summary: Listen Now: Books Mentioned: Ourselves by Charlotte Mason In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry Jane Eyre…
S7E90: Remix Episode – Have a Happier Homeschool with Lynn Bruce (S1E5)
The child brings with him into the world, not character, but disposition. He has tendencies which may need only to be strengthened, or, again, to be diverted or even repressed. His character––the efflorescence of the man wherein the fruit of…
S7E88: Starting a Charlotte Mason Co-op with Jess Smith
One thesis, which is, perhaps, new, that Education is the Science of Relations, appears to me to solve the question of curricula, as showing that the object of education is to put a child in living touch as much as may…
S7E87: Co-ops and Charlotte Mason with April and Anna
No doubt we do give intellectual food, but too little of it: let us havecourage and we shall be surprised, as we are now and then, at theamount of intellectual strong meat almost any child will take at a mealand…
S6E86: Morning Time with the Aging with Tiffany Mai
Shall every man have all the blissThat is, by right of fitness, his?Is Vision for all sons of men?Shall peoples walk with God again? But, oh, the head is sick, the heartToo faint to choose the righteous part!Shall the Messiah…
S6E85: Morning Time for Moms, Part 4, with Christina Baehr
That each thing is a wordRequiring us to speak it;From the ant to the quasar,From clouds to ocean floor- The meaning not ours, but foundIn the mind deeply submissiveTo the grammar of existence,The syntax of the real; So that alien…
S6E84: Morning Time for Moms Part 3 with Elissa Kroeger
If we know one person who grows pale at a lofty thought, whose tears come at the telling of a heroic action, let us learn, from that, that these are thoughts and actions that have the power to move us…
S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory
The person who can live upon his own intellectual resources and never know a dull hour (though anxious and sad hours will come) is indeed enviable in these days of intellectual inanition, when we depend upon spectacular entertainments pour passer le…
S6E82: Morning Time for Moms (and Dads!), Part 2, with Summer and Mike Smith
Every plant bears fruit, ‘fruit and seed after his kind.’ All this is stale knowledge to older people, but one of the secrets of the educator is to present nothing as stale knowledge, but to put himself in the position…