S4E54: Lent, Easter, and “Ourselves” with Anne White
…to be born a human being is like coming into a very great estate; so much in the way of goodness, greatness, heroism, wisdom, and knowledge, is possible to us all. Charlotte Mason, Ourselves, Book 1 Show Summary: Listen Now:…
S4E53: High School and College Prep Using AmblesideOnline with Melissa McMahan
The question is not,––how much does the youth know? when he hasfinished his education––but how much does he care? and about howmany orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room inwhich he finds his feet…
S4E52: Music Education in the Charlotte Mason Paradigm with Megan Hoyt
…what if the devitalisation we notice in so many of our youngpeople, keen about games but dead to things of the mind, is dueto the processes carried on in our schools, to our plausible andpleasant ways of picturing, eliciting, demonstrating,…
S4E51: Homeschooling Boys the Charlotte Mason Way with Alanna Hendon
Let us consider carefully what feelings we wish to stimulate or repress in our children, and then, having made up our minds, let us say nothing. Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and Links Mentioned: AmblesideOnline…
S4E49: A Charlotte Mason Journey with Anna, Addison, and Ella Hornstra
Though system is highly useful as an instrument of education, a ‘system of education’ is mischievous, as producing only mechanical action instead of the vital growth and movement of a living being. Charlotte Mason, Home Education, Vol. 1 Show Summary:…
S3E43: Homeschooling Only Children with Kay Pelham and Christy Hissong
The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom of the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend; and is no longer the mere instrument of forcible intellectual feeding. Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education Show…
S3E40: Donna-Jean Breckenridge on Updating “This Country of Ours”
Next in order to religious knowledge, history is the pivot on which our curriculum turns. Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education, Vol. 6, p. 273 Show Summary: Today’s guest is Donna-Jean Breckenridge, veteran homeschool mom, grandmother and member of the AmblesideOnline…
S3E38: A Tribute to Wendi Capehart
Our aim in education is to give a full life…. We owe it to them to initiate an immense number of interests…. Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all…
S2E36: Adapting Charlotte Mason Methods for the Dyslexic Student with Marcela Best
God the Holy Spirit is himself, personally, the imparter of knowledge, the instructor of youth, the inspirer of genius…. every fruitful idea, every original conception whether in Euclid or grammar or music was a direct inspiration from the Holy Spirit.…
S2E30: The AmblesideOnline Curriculum with Emily Tallent
The child brings with him into the world, not character, but disposition. He has tendencies which may need only to be strengthened, or, again, to be diverted or even repressed. His character––the efflorescence of the man wherein the fruit of…