S1E8: Growing Up in a Charlotte Mason Home with Caitlin Bruce Beauchamp
September 9, 2021
Show Summary:
- Today’s guest is Caitlin Bruce Beauchamp, daughter of Lynn Bruce and an AmblesideOnline graduate
- How Caitlin came to embrace Charlotte Mason’s methods as an adult and foster parent
- What Caitlin remembers most about her homeschool and growing up experience
- What subjects were Caitlin’s nemeses in school
- How narration prepared Caitlin so well for college
- How growing up with a Charlotte Mason education informed Caitlin’s family life today
- A few of Caitlin’s favorite books of all time
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Books Mentioned:
Ourselves by Charlotte Mason
In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass
Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brönte
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Find Cindy and Caitlin:
Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group
Mere Motherhood Facebook Group
Caitlin’s Writing at Afterthoughtsblog.net
The Literary Life of Caitlin Beauchamp