Bonus Episode: The Uphill Road – Summer Discipleship with Cindy and Friends
After all, what is the chief sign of growing old? Is it not the feeling that we know all there is to be known? It is not years which make people old; it is ruts, and a limitation of interests. When we no longer care about anything except our own interests, we are then old, it matters not whether our years be twenty of eighty.
Anna Botsford Comstock, The Handbook of Nature Study
Show Summary:
- Cindy and Dawn share a little about the upcoming 2023 discipleship course at Morning Time for Moms, The Uphill Road
- Dawn asks Cindy how the summer discipleship course started several years ago
- They share a few highlights of what moms can expect and some of their favorite features of this time together
Listen Now:
Books and Links Mentioned:
The Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock
Bandersnatch by Diana Pavlac Glyer
The Convivial Homeschool by Mystie Winckler
Find Cindy and Dawn:
Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group
Mere Motherhood Facebook Group
Dawn’s Articles on Afterthoughtsblog.net
…what if the devitalization we notice in so many of our young people, keen about games but dead to things of the mind, is due to the processes carried on in our schools, to our plausible and pleasant ways of picturing, eliciting, demonstrating, illustrating, summarising, doing all those things for children which they are born with the potency to do for themselves? No doubt we do give intellectual food, but too little of it; let us have courage and we shall be surprised, as we are now and then, at the amount of intellectual strong meat almost and child [or mother] will take at a meal and digest at his leisure.
Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education