S8E103: Composition the Charlotte Mason Way with Karen Glass
Forms V and VI: In these Forms some definite teaching in the art of composition is advisable,but not too much. Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education, p. 193 Show Summary: Listen Now: Books Mentioned: Much May Be Done with…
S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory
The person who can live upon his own intellectual resources and never know a dull hour (though anxious and sad hours will come) is indeed enviable in these days of intellectual inanition, when we depend upon spectacular entertainments pour passer le…
S5E72: “Six Voices, One Story” with Donna-Jean Breckenridge
It is not the friends of our election who have exclusive claims upon us; the friends brought to us here and there by the circumstances of life all claim our loyalty, and from these we get…kindness for kindness, service for…
S4E57: The Mater Amabilis Curriculum with Ella Rice
But the educator has to deal with a self-acting, self-developing being, and his business is to guide, and assist in, the production of the latent good in that being, the dissipation of the latent evil, the preparation of the child…
S4E53: High School and College Prep Using AmblesideOnline with Melissa McMahan
The question is not,––how much does the youth know? when he hasfinished his education––but how much does he care? and about howmany orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room inwhich he finds his feet…
S4E51: Homeschooling Boys the Charlotte Mason Way with Alanna Hendon
Let us consider carefully what feelings we wish to stimulate or repress in our children, and then, having made up our minds, let us say nothing. Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children Show Summary: Listen Now: Books and Links Mentioned: AmblesideOnline…
S4E48: Math in the Charlotte Mason Model with Richele Baburina
Miss Mason taught us that ‘Education is the science of relations’ and that a child should feel from the very beginning that his relations with number are opening up to him yet another realm of beautiful and wonderful things for…
S3E42: Simply Charlotte Mason with Sonya Shafer
Children learn to grow. Charlotte Mason, Home Education Show Summary: Today’s guest is Sonya Shafer is a veteran homeschool mom of 4 daughters as well as a popular author and speaker and co-founder of Simply Charlotte Mason How Sonya first…
S2E33: The Alveary Curriculum with Stephanie Russell
It is the duty of the nation to maintain relations of brotherly kindness with other nations; therefore it is the duty of every family, as an integral part of the nation, to be able to hold brotherly speech with the…
S2E32: A Gentle Feast Curriculum with Brittney McGann
Is the distinction between being free to choose the right at one’s own option, and not free to do the wrong, too subtle to be grasped, too elusive to be practical? It may be so, but it is precisely the…