Podcast,  Show Notes

S2E44: Reprise of A “Hallelujah” Advent Celebration

And, Mary, seeking meekly for direction, asked ‘how shall this be after the wont of men?’ and she was shewn how, by the immediate power of God Most High, the Child should be born, holy, the Son of God; and Mary, not knowing what all this might mean to her, cried ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it to me according to Thy word.’

Charlotte Mason, Parents Review Article, “The Nativity”

Show Summary:

Today’s show is a special replay of last year’s popular Advent episode with Cindy and Dawn. To start off, Cindy shares how she started using Handel’s oratorio The Messiah for Advent. Dawn and Cindy also both share a little about their family Christmas book traditions. After that, we are bringing you the audio from 2020’s Hallelujah virtual gathering celebrating the launch of the new version of the book, featuring guests Greg Wilbur, Thomas Banks, Kerri Williamson, Lynn Bruce, Caitlyn Bruce Beauchamp, Kelly Cumbee, and Amy Edwards.

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Books and Links Mentioned:

Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah by Cindy Rollins

Papa Panov’s Special Christmas by Leo Tolstoy

The Bird’s Christmas Carol by Kate Douglass Wiggins

Shoemaker Martin by

The Third Gift by Linda Sue Park

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree by Gloria Houston

Dawn’s Christmas Book Tradition

“The Nativity” Parents Review Article

Jessye Norman’s Christmastide

Kathleen Battle’s Angel’s Glory

Comfort and Joy

The Sounding Joy

Putumayo World Christmas Party

Handel’s Messiah conducted by John Eliot Gardner

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We know how Joseph’s mind was disturbed and his heart rent (we may well believe), when the angel came and reassured him with word of the fulfilment of that prophecy of Isaiah’s,— a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and they shall call His name Immanuel.’

Charlotte Mason, Parents Review Article, “The Nativity”

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